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Simplify client y-offset correction
The reasoning behind the original line may be lost to time as
it does not make much sense checking the position on the x-axis
to determine how to position the client on the y-axis.
In the context of multi-monitor setups the monitor y position
(m->my) may be greater than 0 (say 500), in which case the window
could be placed out of view if:
- the window attributes have a 0 value for the y position and
- we end up using the y position of bh (e.g. 22)
If the aim is to avoid a new floating client covering the bar then
restricting y position to be at least that of the window area
(m->wy) should cover the two cases of using a top bar and using a
bottom bar.
Diffstat (limited to '%25252525252525253fid%25252525252525253d04c2d3bf025044724b4d06d782067fd58d36b498%252525252525253fid%252525252525253d04c2d3bf025044724b4d06d782067fd58d36b498&id2%252525252525253dc2b748e7931e5f28984efc236f9b1a212dbc65e8%2525252525253fid%2525252525253d04c2d3bf025044724b4d06d782067fd58d36b498&id2%2525252525253dc2b748e7931e5f28984efc236f9b1a212dbc65e8%25252525253fid%25252525253d04c2d3bf025044724b4d06d782067fd58d36b498&id2%25252525253dc2b748e7931e5f28984efc236f9b1a212dbc65e8%252525253fid%252525253d04c2d3bf025044724b4d06d782067fd58d36b498%2525253fid%2525253d00cfdc0aa7a75aae42303cebda46ffaa95803b27%25253fid%25253d00cfdc0aa7a75aae42303cebda46ffaa95803b27&id2%25253d5799dd1fca6576b662d299e210cd5933b29d502d%253fid%253d00cfdc0aa7a75aae42303cebda46ffaa95803b27%3fid%3d6d6e0ea56f6784dd35173eff2d17c259b1588d0e?id=a859676ead17017bbe81b4989b2f2e0b00a0b4ba')
0 files changed, 0 insertions, 0 deletions